Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Some Basic Oracle DDL and DCL Commands

DDL COMMANDS: ALTER: This can be used to add (or) remove columns and to modify the precision of data type. syntax: alter table <table name> add <col... datatype> eg. alter table student add sdob date; alter table student drop sdob date; To change the precision: alter table student modify id number(5); Make a column unused: alter table student set unused column marks Rename column: Alter table student rename column name to sname; Using Truncate: This can be used to delete table data permanently. Syntax: truncate table <table name> truncate table student; Drop: this will be used to drop the database object. syntax: drop table <table name> drop table student; Rename: it will be used to rename the database object. syntax: rename table <table name> to <table name> rename table student to stud; Commit: this will be used to save th work. Two types of commit: a. implicit commit b. explicit commit Explicit commit: this will be issued by the user. syntax: commit or commit work; Rollback: this will undo the operation it will be issued in two methods 1. upto previous commit 2. upto previous rollback syntax: roll or roll work or rollback or rollback work Savepoint: you can use savepoint to rollback portions of your current set of transactions. syntax: savepoint <save point name> eg. savepoint s1; insert into student values (1, 'brook', 90); savepoint s2; insert into student values (2, 'DJ', 80); savepoint s3; rollback s2; USING DCL: DCL commands are used to grant and revoke the permissions. Using Grant: This will be used to grant the privileges to users. Syntax: Grant <privileges> on <object name> to <user name>; grant select on student to seema; [most of the time grant and revoke will be done by DBA.] or, grant all on student to seema; [we have given all the previliges to seema] grant all on student to seema with grant option; if you want to allow seema to give grant permissions to other; revoke select on student from seema; revoke all on student from seema; Multiinsert with all fields: insert all into student values (3, 'Rabi', 93) into student values (4, 'Hari', 96) into student values (5, 'Anup', 90) select * from dept where deptno = 10; select greatest (1, 2, 3), greatest(-1, -2, -3) from dual; [dual is a table inside the system, and there is nothing in the table] initcap: make the first letter capitalized. CONSTRAINTS (RESTRICTIONS): Constraints are categorized as follows: 1. domain integrity constraint a. Notnull constraint b. check 2. Entity integrity constraint a. unique b. primary key 3. Referencial integrity constraint a. foreign key constraint - Constraints are always attached to the column not to the table. - We can add constraints in three ways a. column level: always with the column definition b. table level: after the table definition c. alter level: using alter command

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